Tuesday, October 10, 2006

thank you for smiling

everybody loves hm, according to her
i like to second her

i cheer up everytime i see you
even when you are on the reciever
trying to get the pole dancer and saying hi to me at the same time
smiles and hi s
"hi" ( "can i speak to the pole dancer pls")
" just want to say hi"
"i am useless"
"why do you say that?"
nothing much, i went in cheerfully
like the protagonist bleeding her guts on her poor unsuspecting neighbour
in this context, failure at being more adult, pyschosis inflicted and under assumed normalcy
so called a thinking person
the nice kids in school are the real teachers
you learn a thing or two about being human from them daily
being considerate like consoling someone after the aftermath of toppled coffee and zilch domestic purposefulness
after two flights of stairs, showing off cubicle decor in the glory of katrina-just-left debris
being proud of a poster where two semi nude girls shared a book and fag
and people who are not nice due to incurable laidbackness can be really nice especially those that can boast of vacation job kitchen experience
point to note, toppled coffee is very good
a boy who mumbles so it's really difficult to maintain him as part of any conversation
strangely, he made himself heard across the room while we were talking about something else
to the baffled silence of everyone else when i had to answer- "Sat but friday is good"
an open date or dare, neither even close. conspiracy theories on the reading faces
a rapunzel in a tower who talks like she's not talking in her fairytale
you should see her on the phone, it might make you a lip-reading convert
the keith haring expert; a sickening gal with a kind heart and menacing attitude when not expanding my vocab
and more
when i go, i'll have that knowledge in me
the world is beautiful
i can see that even if i don't necessarily partake of the notion
gek li says bye and see you tomorrow


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